I find comfort in art as resistance for these challenging times.

I find refuge in my pond. I am replacing the liner presently, somehow similar to shedding skin.

I am sitting with the fact of what has happened and thank you for your encouraging words.

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Thanks, Juan, for sharing where you are in your personal transformation. Taking the time to sit on your own lily pad and taking in with what's happening internally is vital, and so is turning to art. Wishing you well in these challenging times.

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YES to art as resistance!! I’m inspired to create pieces inspired by joy and hope because 😮‍💨 do we need it more than ever right now!!

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YES, Steph! Power to joy and hope! We need it more than ever. Please tag me if you decide to share what you've created. Let's share our art and spread joy!

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here’s to bringing joy to the world 😘😘!!

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Amen! Lamar yesterday proved the power of art to subvert tyranny. We’re rising ❣️❣️❣️❣️

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Thank you for making a reference to Kendrick Lamar's show at Superbowl yesterday. I couldn't really understand the lyrics... was only able to make out some of it and got a general sense of a rebellion against the establishment (the sharpest line I caught was "rigged the game." I can see how artists like Lamar can really make use of their platform and huge audience to subvert tyranny. The tyrants have a tiny and fragile ego. We the people should not bow down in fear. ✊✊✊

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Hi Aimee! I've found the perfect interpretation of Lamar's performance here:



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Can’t wait to read this!

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I read & loved this blog & much to say but very late here in Spain; more tomorrow!💗💗

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Thank you for reading it, Amy! Have a good sleep! 💕😽

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I agree. Art has been a great help to me (stand up comedy, dance expression).

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So glad that your preferred art forms have been your allies in tough times!

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I loved how you turned the snake of the new lunar year into a symbol of shedding our skins; so apt and so powerful. I remember that Mark Nepo passage too; it held so much meaning. I am glad you reminded me of it. Your new short cut looks great on you by the way; manifestation of unwanted layer of skin being shed, and becoming the more authentic you.💗

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Anguish Named and Tamed was a powerful section here too. You remind me to unpack my copy of The Atlas of the Heart as part of settling into my new home, and new country with all its attendant diverse emotions. And yes, seeing ‘Dark Elegy’ also struck me hard. Impossible to not feel anguish gazing at it.

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Finally yes, Art as Resistance! Your drawing is beautiful; remember that all those colors still exist, even when the world seems so dark.

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Hi Amy, thanks for your thoughtful responses to the three sections of my essay. I'm glad you feel inspired to unpack your copy of Atlas of the Heart as a companion to your new life in Spain.

I want to thank you again for the gift of those color pencils, which will continue to bring me joy on the dark days (which are most days now.)

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I too take solace in art and as a painter have always been drawn to canvas. In the last year, I’ve started building things. Maybe as a way to undo the dismantling I felt coming. I don’t know but i find the same energy and Zen quality in building a brick patio, or retaining wall, or sauna that I feel when painting.

Your writing is great. I’m subscribing. Thanks for introducing yourself.

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Thank you so much for subscribing and for commenting. I appreciate it!

I see that you're a painter and a creator who loves working with your hands. Your sauna looks amazing! I look forward to reading more of your fascinating stories (your life experiences are mind-blowing!) and seeing your creations.

I'm so glad to have met you here.

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