Awwww pass the tissues, please. Thank you, Louisa. Your empathy and beautiful soul shine through your words. I appreciate your perspective, your support and the way you lift others. HUG!

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Passing tons of tissues your way, Victoria! Thank you for your kind words, and thank you for your heartwarming article. I love lifting other writers and highlighting their beautiful work, which deserves to be read widely! Hugs!

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I echo these sentiments!

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You are so giving in your comments and in doing this post. I know writers are thrilled to receive thoughtful comments such as these and to be featured in your post.

I read the one about connecting with a parent through music. My father is about to turn 87. He would benefit from having the music of his younger days on in his apartment. Sinatra, Tony Bennet, Sam Cooke. I'm going to suggest that to him. (Anything to divert his attention from Fox news. Oy!)

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Hi David, thanks for your kind comment. I'm so glad to hear that you got inspired by one of the writers featured here, to arrange some of your father's favorite songs to permeate the air of his apartment so his attention can be diverted from vile news :-) I might need to do something similar at my mom's place to counter the brainwashing from the Chinese-language TV programs that are similar to Fox news. Oy!!!

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David, I am glad you enjoyed my essay. I hope your father is able to transport himself with the music of his youth (and yes, so much more beneficial to his spirit than Fox news!)

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I just got this from one of my father's caregivers. Thanks to you both for making a real difference in my father's quality of life!

Substack can be amazing!


He had a wonderful time listening to music … I signed him up for 30 day trial then $5.99 per month if we don’t cancel. We started with 1956 top songs and Sinatra , did for each year till 1960 then every decade . Then went back to 1930’s. He did get teary eyed , thinking about your mother but was happy continuing …Was fun to see contrast. I gave Eka a list of artists. Will screen videos and send one later ..

I mentioned a music therapist, he said he would think about it. It could help his voice and engage him for an hour.

He seemed interested in the idea of podcasts. I don’t know any but will look into one unless you have an idea ?"

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Wow, wow, wow! This just blew me away, David! I'm getting teary-eyed just reading about your father's response to the music that he loves! What a powerful testiment of what music can do, to connect and to enliven! Please keep us posted, and perhaps write about your father's changes in a future Substack!

I agree that Substack and its community are amazing. Magic!

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I'm really happy and grateful to you and Amy. I may post this as a Note.

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This makes my heart sing! Please do share!

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David I was so moved by how well your dad responded & I think sharing a note about it will inspire other caregivers to lean into the power of music.

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Mar 27·edited Mar 27Liked by Louisa Wah

Thank you so much for generously lifting our stories and our hearts. More tissues, please! 💗 I felt disconnected from my work (due to caretaking) when your beautiful post arrived today. Yesterday, I had a chat with my Soul, who said: "Your true hearts’ desire is to move the hearts of others, through your love for life and the Earth. You move people’s hearts daily. They laugh. They cry. They feel deeply, in relation to your energy, how do you show up in the world. How you care for them." Your writing reflects my deepest desire, and truly made a difference. Carry on sharing beauty!

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Hi Christine, You move people every day, and that is soul-inspired work that nothing else can compare with. And here on Substack, your heartfelt writing is timeless and always gives your readers’ spirits a lift. I’m so glad that my sharing today in turn lifted your spirit and connected with your soul's desire. Remember, your work is so important! Even though it can be extremely hard some days, as long as it is aligned with your soul, you’ll know that it’s all worth it. Sending love!

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Thank you Louisa for your kind words about my essay on singing into the empty spaces and for lifting up my work and the beautiful work of the others here, too. Your encouragement means so much! I do hope you treat yourself to some classical music or whatever live music will lift your spirits. I recall with fondness watching that extraordinary ballet performance with you at Lincoln Center in New York City. Dance and music all at once--so special!

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Mar 27·edited Mar 27Author

Amy, it's such a pleasure to share your writing. This particular piece touched me so much that I have to share here along with others of a similar theme. I'm glad that your piece has inspired others to connect with music. And yes, watching the New York City Ballet performance was an artistic highlight of the year for me! I should treat myself with a performance soon.

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Thank you Louisa for publishing the "Diverse Voices" and especially this curation. I am in the stage of caregiving to my 90-year-old mom, who has been a lifelong passionate musician. I share so many sentiments in the essays and have so much consolation reading them - I am not alone, and the emotions I feel are somewhat universal. What's stirling is the thought that had we been given a second chance, how many of us would have lived and interacted with our parents differently?

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So glad this collection of essays spoke to you on such a deep level, and thank you so much for your vulnerable sharing, Yi. Given that you are yourself a pianist, have you gotten a chance to play for your mom? I imagine so many ways you can connect with your mother through music. You asked a most thought- and soul-provoking question here. My answer would be a resoudning "yes"! But hindsight is always 20/20. For some of us, fortunately, there may be a second chance with the parent who is still living.

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We’ll, I sent my mom a recording of mine and she liked it! And I compiled the 3-part essay I wrote about her stories (on my Substack) into a single one, had it beautifully designed and printed, and gave her as her birthday gift. I am so glad that she gets to read it!

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What beautiful, unique and heartfelt gifts you sent her! This makes my heart sing! ❤ Thank you for sharing!

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Late to the party — same as well, thank you thank you, Louisa.

Victoria said this better than I ever could. 非常感谢. I see you, Louisa.

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Apr 1·edited Apr 1Author

Never too late to enjoy a good party, yina! Thanks for being here in spirit. Instead of 不用客氣 to express "You're welcome ",I'd use the Cantonese expression 大家咁話, which roughly translates to "We all say the same thing/our feelings are reciprocated." Very hard to translate too 😅

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